Saturday, November 21, 2009

Now THIS is India!

I made it out! The ATR-72 (a new plane for my list) found it’s way through the clouds, and I left Aizawl for a three-legged trip to Hyderabad. At each stop, I was the only person carrying on, it seemed. One of the stops required the plane to be refueled which meant I had to get off, but I wasn’t allowed into the airport, so I just stood on the runways visiting with the pilot and ground crew. We were delayed because they didn’t have enough fuel at the airport. The fuel truck took fuel from one plane and put it into ours.

Thanks to Carol P. and her contacts, there was a car waiting when I landed, and we left Hyderabad at 11 p.m. for the 11-hour drive to Narsapur. The scenery was what I thought India would be like: flat and wet, dotted with water buffalo and beautiful colorful temples.

We stopped for breakfast on the road. I had a Coke.
I met up with Pat, and Sisay and Pastor Chand took us out to the orphanage. The greeting--complete with a banner and signs and flowers--overwhelmed Pat. We had a short program of welcome with speeches and some action songs from the children.

We toured the orphanage. The building is good, but it is very small for 40 kids. Every night they pull the mats onto the floor to sleep but must stack them up again in the morning to have a place on the floor to sit and eat . Each child has a small tin locker for their clothes.

We had a long and productive meeting with Pastor Chand in the afternoon. He has been looking after us very well: providing good food and making sure we have what we need. Thank you for that!

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