Monday, December 22, 2008

My Baby's Got a New Pair of Shoes

Shoes have impacted my life on more than one occasion and for more than one reason. One of the early stories I remember my mother telling me about the Depression included shoes. She said that growing up on a farm during the Depression wasn’t too bad because each year they got a new pair of shoes, a new dress and always had enough food! Some kids came to school with lard sandwiches and shoes lined with paper to plug the holes in their soles, but not my moms family.Later in life, I saw shoe ownership become a limiting factor for children who wanted to attend school in many of the countries in which I have worked. This summer Pastor Ron Sydenham of the Lacombe SDA church travelled to Kenya and Rwanda. He too recognized the value of shoes and their link with education.  Upon returning to Canada, he decided to raised enough money to provide new shoes for all the students attending a particular school in Kenya.  The congregation donated enough money to buy 1000 pairs of shoes! Best of all, the shoes were purchased in Kenya from Kenyan businesses providing trickle down income for many local Kenyans. Injecting shoes into the local economy is like injecting cash. You can bet that the shoes will be worn by someone until they are worn right out.

Although there are some, few people in Canada have to worry about affording shoes. My daughter, however, has been unable to wear shoes for more than four years because of nerve damage in her ankle. Summers are not so bad; capris and open-backed shoes are right in style then, but when it is forty below, they are not so stylish. More importantly, driving around the prairies in such flimsy attire in the middle of winter is just plain dangerous!
After more than four years of trying pills, creams, and therapy, she still hasn’t been able to get into shoes. At one point, I suggested a brace, but the product from the physio lab just didn’t work. This past Monday night, my daughter and I took a stab at creating one ourselves. Years of molding airplanes has given me some knowledge of fiberglass, carbon fiber and molding agents. Two evenings, some plaster of Paris and various resins and fibers later, we had a prototype as a concept-prover.Here we have the lacing up of the first pair of real shoes to go on my daughter’s feet in over four years! She made it through half a day in the shield, but even more importantly, we have a new concept to try that will, I’m sure, lead to a more normal life and definitely to warmer feet!
So, here’s to a new start ‘cuz my baby’s got a new pair of shoes!

Shoes for my mother, shoes for my daughter, and shoes for our global brothers and sisters. Something as simple as shoes can be have a huge impact on our children here at home, and all children around the world! Next time you lace up your Nikes, remember to appreciate what you have, and think about what you can do to help others here or abroad. Get involved!

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